Your goal is to be safe, productive and to keep the customer happy.
The following suggestions will lead you towards those goals.
- Apply salt prior to plowing to make snow removal more efficient.
- When plowing a parking lot, make sure your first pass is
alongside the building.
- Maintain a minimum distance of two feet between your plow
and any parked cars.
- Other traffic always has the right of way in a commercial
parking lot.
- To begin a pass, begin moving and then lower the blade.
- To stack snow, begin to raise the blade as you come to the
end of your pass.
- Use the full width of the blade only for snow up to 2", three
quarters of the blade for snow up to 4", and only half the blade
for snow 6" or more.
- Back drag no more than three truck lengths before turning
around, backing up and pushing the snow out of the way.
- Always come to a complete stop before shifting into reverse.
- Never let wet snow stand in windrows overnight.
- Never pile snow on someone else’s property, in the street, on
the sidewalk, around doorways, in front of steps or garage
entrances, on shrubs or loading docks, against buildings, cars,
mailboxes, dumpsters or fire hydrants.
- Leave the blade in the lowered position when parked.
- Replace any emergency supplies or parts used immediately
after plowing.